Dental Implant Failure & Salvage – Ormond Beach, FL

Save Your Restored Smile

Why Do Dental Implants Fail?

  • Infection in the gums
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Injury
  • Underlying medical conditions
  • Failed osseointegration

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The most common reason for dental implant failure is peri-implantitis, an infection that attacks the gums and bone around an implant. Eventually, it can cause so much damage that the implant no longer has a sturdy base of support. Often, poor oral hygiene contributes to peri-implantitis.

Other possible reasons for dental implant failure include:

  • Damaged caused by an accident or teeth grinding
  • Underlying medical conditions, including some types of cancer
  • Failed osseointegration (failure of the implant to bond with the surrounding bone)

Symptoms of a Failed Dental Implant

  • Pain
  • Difficulty chewing
  • Red and swollen gums
  • A loose-feeling implant

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It is important to bear in mind that dental implant failure can happen at any time, even months or years after the initial placement surgery. Therefore, you should always monitor your oral health and be aware of any indications that something is amiss.

Here are some signs that you should visit us for a consultation:

  • Unusual or severe pain. After you adapt to your implants, they should provide pain-free function.
  • Difficulty chewing. You should find it easy to eat a wide variety of foods with your dental implants. Challenges in this area are a big red flag.
  • Signs of infection. Swelling, redness, pus, and gum recession are all indications that an infection may be present.
  • An implant feels loose. This could be a problem with the implant itself or the restoration (crown, bridge, or denture) that is attached to it.

How Dental Implant Salvage Works

  • Thorough examination
  • Comparison of treatment options
  • Comfortable, conservative care
  • Get back to enjoying your smile!

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When you come in for your appointment, we will perform a thorough examination to determine why you are experiencing problems. In addition to a visual evaluation, we may also take some X-rays or use other imaging equipment.

Once we understand the situation, we will be able to recommend a treatment plan. You might need something fairly simple, such as a course of antibiotics and some coaching on how to make your oral hygiene routine a little more thorough. It is also possible that we will recommend that you get a new restoration for your implants.

Of course, there is always the chance that it will be necessary to remove a failing implant altogether. Later, after a healing period, you might be eligible for a new one.